Messages from the Wild; the Earthworm
A live brief I did in my second year at uni, commissioned by Annabel Ross for her edutainment podcast series, Messages from the Wild.
Pitch and initial preproduction
I showed these to Annabel in my pitch session. It’s a mix of colour keys/thumbnails, moodboards and references.

Test shot
This is what I gave Annabel as a test of the film’s look. She was very happy with it, and I must admit it’s probably the best looking shot in the film…
Background art
The look of the backgrounds was important in this project. We wanted a charming, ghibli-esque feel to them, and it was also crucial to communicate scale well, so the environment would feel like its own world, and not just a zoomed-in miniature.

Here’s the storyboard I and the client settled on before going into production.